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this is my life...

every song has an important story...

and i would be honored to hangout with you so we can get to know each other more. If you're here, chances are you want to learn more about me and my music. And if you know me, you know i consider all my fans, friends and family. And there's nothing i love more than hanging out with my friends, listening to music, and sharing stories. So that's why i made the 3 different hangout experiences you'll see below. So you can get to know more about me, my music and we can become closer friends.

so take your pick...

6-day hangout that goes way into my album Dissociative Memories

DM album art (front).png

6-day hangout that goes way into my album Forgotten Youth In Dusted Frames

FYIDF album art (front).png

6-day hangout that goes way into my album Who I Thought I Wanted To Be

7-day hangout that goes way into my EP Space Between Words on a Page

(Front) Album Art.jpg
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