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TemporaryHazel Bloom
00:00 / 02:36
Thanks for being here
Behind the album 'Temporary' (written in 2017)
'Temporary' was the first body of work I ever fully wrote entirely by myself. All the instrumentals, lyrics and narrative. This is something I'm extremely proud of. growing up I was always a part of bands, but I never wrote full songs by myself, so this was an immense accomplishment for me. Now you may be thinking "if you're so proud of this, then why didn't you release it?" The truth is, I did release this album a few years ago for a few months, however after listening and comparing the recording quality to other albums, I decided to take it down. The quality of the recordings just wasn't the standard I wanted it to be. I didn't have much money so I worked with a friend on recording the album at his house. I truly am proud of how it came out and am glad to have this album, I guess I just knew I could do better and they sounded more like demos to me. However, I don't want it to go to waste so I figured I'd share it with people who care a little more about who I am. This was a great stepping stone for me and I am glad I get to share this with you.
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