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"Here's to the good times"
dopamineHazel Bloom
00:00 / 02:47

Thanks for being here
Behind The Song
I wrote this song based on the quote “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller
This song is about me trying to live more in the moment. I have a tendency to always think about how good the past was or how I'm excited for the future that I don't even focus on right now. I totally disregard how good moments are at the moment. I'm always thinking, “damn, I wish things were still like this, or I wish they were like that”. I'm trying to get out of that mindset and realize how great things actually are RIGHT NOW, and how amazing life is at this moment.
This is also a song dedicated to never losing your youth. No matter how old I get, I always want to be making new memories, having new adventures, and making new friends. To quote Adlai Stevenson “It is not the years in your life but the life in your years that counts.”
I’m so blessed and thankful for all the friends I have in my life. I’ve had the same core friends for nearly 2 decades and I’m so thankful for all the memories and continued experiences I have with them. Without them, I wouldn't be who I am today. dopamine
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