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"I finally got some emotion out of you"

CopelandHazel Bloom
00:00 / 02:18

Thanks for being here

Behind The Song

The song that inspired me to write this song is Erase by Copeland. Ixora by Copeland is one of my favorite albums and one that got me through a rough break up. I can't tell you how many times I listened to this album. It’s one of those albums where you just relate to every song on it. Every song on this album is so sad and it oddly made me feel better in a way lol. The emotions I would feel from every song were just so relatable. Sometimes it feels good to listen to some music that puts you in your feels, you know? Helps you release those built up emotions and makes you feel less alone.

I’ve written a lot of break up songs but I felt this would be a cool new perspective. To write a break up song about the feelings you get when you hear a different break up song lol. I think everyone has a song or 2 that the second they hear it, it brings you back to a dark point in time. So that’s why I wrote this. Whenever I hear Erase by Copeland, it instantly brings me back to that point in my life. It instantly brings back all those emotions I felt. Trying to deal with a breakup where I would sit at the lake near my house and listen to that album. That’s also what I love about music, it's like a time capsule. You could completely forget about a song for years, then one day you’ll hear it, and you're taken back. It’s truly a special thing. Maybe this song will be that song for you one day.

you can learn a bit more behind the music here -

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