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Balance And Composure
"Everybody’s telling me how to live and how to breathe.
Didn't ask for your opinion"
Balance And ComposureHazel Bloom
00:00 / 02:43

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Behind The Song
I wrote this song inspired by my favorite album by a band called Balance And Composure. The album’s called “The Things We Think We’re Missing”. I love this album but it’s always the title that gets me thinking. There’s always something I feel I'm missing or missing out on. From all the movies, books, social media posts I see, they set unrealistic expectations… and it’s hard not to buy into them. You have to be madly in love, go to college, have a kid, buy a house all by a certain age, if not you seem like you're behind on life… I know I'm not the only one who thinks this. But that's not everybody’s reality, and that's okay… Everybody’s different and wants different things. Just because you see or you're told you're missing out on something, doesnt mean youre actually missing out… It's okay to be different, it's okay to go at your own pace, it's okay if people don't understand why you are the way you are. All these standards are made up and cause unnecessary stress on our lives. So that's why I wrote this song. As a reminder that you're not missing out on anything. You don't have to do anything just to please people in your life. Life moves at whatever pace you want it to and that's okay. Balance And Composure
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